Chromotherapy, or color therapy, encompasses a field of research based on the use of colored light to promote health. Ancient cultures from the Egyptians to the Greeks have studied the health effects of light and color. According to the scholarly review A Critical Analysis of Chromotherapy and Its Scientific Evolution, published in 2005: “Color has been investigated as medicine since 2000 BC.” Adding, “People of that era were certainly unaware of the scientific facts of colors as medicine, but they had faith in healing with colors.”

Since the 19th century, research into chromotherapy has been conducted in the United States, Russia, India and beyond. Researchers theorize that, among other properties, color has a noticeable effect on mood. Regarding the research of Edwin Babbitt, an early proponent of color therapy, the aforementioned review comments: “He identified the color… blue and violet as soothing.” Concluding, “No controversies were found among the theories presented, in [related] research work conducted in any area of the world.”

Admittedly, some psychologists are skeptical of color therapy, and point out that the effects of color can be grossly exaggerated. But as one psychology author recently acknowledged, “Existing research has found that color can impact people in a variety of surprising ways.” For example, “Anecdotal evidence has suggested that installing blue-colored streetlights can lead to reduced crime in those areas.” And, “Color can play an important role in… creating certain moods, and even influencing the decisions people make.”

The bottom line is that having an environment conducive to stress relief is vital. Marquis LED chromotherapy enables you to select color schemes that create soothing ambiance. Combined with hydrotherapy and other forms of spa therapy it can help you to manage the symptoms of stress and promote relaxation.